Sunday, December 4, 2011
Homework Extension Ideas
Every year there is a very eager parent that asks the question, "How can I challenge my child more at home?" Every year I discuss ideas with parents and make suggestions but I was tickled pink when I found this list of Homework Extension Ideas created by the Teeny Tiny Teacher.
She was so thoughtful in her ideas for all of the subjects. The ideas are well thought out and this page really gives the parents a reference point to come up with challenging homework ideas at home.
Monday, October 24, 2011
100 Chart Pumpkin
**Side Note** I plan on using the interactive 100 chart found in the Smart Board Notebook gallery to follow model. This is what you are seeing in the image above, I left the side bar open so you could hopefully get a better idea of where to find it!
{Download a copy of the coloring instructions HERE!}
Yum..a sweet candy corn man
Whew...I don't know how you ladies do it! I am having such a hard time keeping up with the blogging and teaching, now that school has settled into a bit of a routine I am ready to jump back in!
I have Halloween on the mind, as I'm sure you do too with only 6 short days to go! I just wanted to share a cute and easy art/writing project my class completed this week to get into the spirit of Halloween.
Candy corn,
candy corn,
orange, yellow, and white,
I sure hope I ___ you on Halloween night!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Freebies you NEED to check out!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Daily 5 Book Totes
I love that they have a pocket on the front for various reading items (I'm thing word rings, book marks, highlighters, ect) and my kiddos look so cute carrying them to their special spot.
Tell me about how you do book totes/boxes? What works for you?
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Owl Themed Rules
O = Our classroom is kept clean
W = We keep our hand, feet, and objects to ourselves.
L = Listen to our teacher and our classmates
S = Speak softly and respectfully
I used clip art from Lettering Delights (Thanks Deanna Jump!) and after I they were printed, I glued them onto cute scrap booking paper. I hung them near the fun wall decal I bought from the kids bedroom section at Target (in the picture below!). If you think you will be able to use them, download the rules now!
Monday, August 8, 2011
Easy update for UGLY cubbies!
I like the fact that the cubbies for each student are large enough for any project(s) we would need to stuff in them, but I didn't love the mismatch of Avery labels with former student names in combination with the large Sharpie numbers, so I knew I needed to update. After a long attempt with a razor blade and a cleaning spray from my lovely custodian...nothing! So I opted for a new approach-contact paper. I just bought a cute roll (funky lime green!) at Target and cut each piece to fit along the bottom of each cubby. A few cuts later, I had this:
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Slow and Steady Wins the Race
Here is the view from my front door. I am battling how to set up my desks this year but I am thinking of doing two horseshoe shapes so that my projector will still have room in the middle of the room. The two blue boards are my word wall and the yellow board is for student work. I am thinking "Chicka, Chicka, Boom Boom. Look at the good work in our room. "
Friday, August 5, 2011
The before...if only it wasn't so hard to get to the after!
Here are a couple pictures of my new first grade classroom...I recently transferred schools and thus moved into a new school and a new room. Here is a picture from the door. Here is another showing the two large bulletin boards which are to the left of the door. I am hoping to have my Popcorn Words (word wall) on the yellow board and my CAFE and Scott Foresman Reading Street Focus Board on the blue one. Yuck, the cubbies are in pretty bad shape, I am going to spruce them up with some cute lime green contact paper.
This is a picture of of the library...yikes! Lots of work left to do here sorting, labeling and cozying up this space. Nobody would want to read here as it is now! Here is a view of the back corner. I am going to hang a close line and cute-ify the large board you can see to display student work. I do love the cupboards and drawers, you can never get enough storage!
It's too daunting to actually write out everything on my to do list, but I have 17 days left to prep before the meetings and craziness begins. Be sure to check out my next post...more on my OWL theme!