Sunday, January 27, 2013

Snowman: What do we need to build a snowman?

Hi All! Last week we spend a lot of time with our dear snowman friends. Here is a list on what we need to make a snowman. We have been working on number lists and titles.

I talked earlier about my love for the story Snowmen at Night. The story that is next to Snowmen at Night is called Snow Family. It is a fabulous book for a text to text comparison. Lots of the snowmen look a lot alike and the characters act and do very similar things.

This picture below shows the super cute How to Build a Snowman Kit that my mom gave me. Inside is everything that you could possible need to make a snowman, minus the snow. My kiddos loved taking the items out and then adding them to our list.
I hope that wherever you are, you are getting a little bit of winter snow so you can go make your own snowmen. My kids asked, "Miss Gill, can we use the kit to make a snowman?" I said, "Yes, but we will need a little snow first." We did a snow dance. Nothing happened. Sigh....I'll keep it in my closet though, just in case. :)

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